Naked truth by Gustav Klimt

Naked truth by Gustav Klimt

Many works of Gustav Klimt were very scandalous because of excessive eroticism and depravity. He was a fair lover of women. Perhaps it was this that gave such a shade to his paintings. The artist was far from politics, never interested in it, but he always struggled to remove the rigid framework of what was permitted in art. He was not satisfied with the traditional and outdated art, so he became the first Austrian artist in the Art Nouveau style. With his extraordinary and scandalous creativity, he brought the visual arts to a conceptually new level.

In 1899, Klimt painted the picture “Naked Truth”, which shocked the Viennese society and caused a resonance in it. The picture depicts a naked girl, who, with her whole appearance, scoffs at offended decent spectators. This picture was the announcement of the beginning of a new era in painting.

The image of the heroine of the canvas completely contradicts the traditional canons of portraying women. In the face of a red-haired beauty there is not a single gram of embarrassment or shame. She is very much like a girl from a brothel. When writing a lot of pictures, Klimt invited posing prostitutes, and they did not hesitate to show all the beauty of their body.

Klimt knew perfectly well what would be the reaction of the public, he purposely decided to test their feelings, kindle a scandal and look at their emotions. Most of all the public was touched by a quote from Schiller, which says that it is bad to like everyone.

Researchers studying the work of Gustav used to believe that the main character of the picture has a connection with Judith, the same author. They are both behind the outer beauty of evil.

In the picture there is one more hidden meaning. The girl in the picture is holding a mirror in her hands. In it the artist suggests to look to the public, to look at themselves, to remain with oneself alone and to reflect on what we really are inside.

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