At the end of his life Aivazovsky was absorbed in the idea of creating a synthetic image of the sea element. In the last decade he has written a number

At the end of his life Aivazovsky was absorbed in the idea of creating a synthetic image of the sea element. In the last decade he has written a number
The long century of IK Aivazovsky came at the time of the wars waged by Russia – including for access to the seas. Without taking direct part in sea battles
A little-known viewer of Ivan Aivazovsky’s painting “View of Petersburg” refers to the late period of the author’s work. Creativity Aivazovsky – seascape is connected directly with the sea. An
Being in constant search of sources of inspiration for writing his paintings, Aivazovsky very often made trips to the Black Sea. Accordingly, after these trips, there were such famous paintings
During the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-29, a detachment of Black Sea Fleet ships, consisting of a frigate and two brigs, was in the vicinity of the Bosporus. May 26, 1829
Peace, tranquility, serenity spreads in the air of a wonderful day, already sloping towards the sunset. Lighted by pink clouds indicate the approach of a warm, quiet evening. The Italian
Early morning. Sea. The sea is full of calm. To the shore moored boats with people – some have just come up, others are preparing to sail, – it’s most
Ivan Aivazovsky’s “Fight in the Chios Strait on June 24, 1770” depicts the events of the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774. June 24, 1770 squadron of the Russian fleet, headed by
The painting by IK Aivazovsky “Black Sea” has some mysterious attraction. It forces the viewer not only to watch the unruly water element, but also to feel all the riot
The sea, is it a friend or an opponent? Looking at the painting by IK Aivazovsky “The Sea”, you involuntarily ask yourself this question. I have often seen the sea
The painting “Seashore” is one of the first masterpieces of the great Master. It was written in 1840, when young Aivazovsky was sent to the Crimea for independent work. Still
The great Russian painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky painted the painting “Moonlit Night: The Bathhouse in Feodosia” in the middle of the 18th century. In the picture I see a calm
In the works of Ivan Aivazovsky, a significant place is occupied by paintings on the theme of sea battles and victories of the Russian fleet. The artist led a kind
Painting Ivan Aivazovsky “Chesme battle” was written in 1848. It is dedicated to the historic event of 1770. On the night of 25 to 26 June, a sea battle took
By the time of the New Time, the main genres of painting were fully formed: a portrait in several varieties, still life, paintings on everyday and historical themes, animal studies.
“View of the seaside in the vicinity of St. Petersburg” – one of the not very typical paintings by Aivazovsky. The sea on it is not the main character, as
Fedor Alekseev is a well-known painter of the 19th century, who has reached great heights in the landscape and leads – the image of everyday life. The most famous of
Time to create a picture of “Calm Sea” falls on the rise of Ivan Aivazovsky’s creativity. Like almost all the works of the artist, the canvas is filled with marine
The landscape includes visible features of the land area, including physical elements of the land’s outline, such as mountains, hills, water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds and sea, living
This picture Aivazovsky wrote with the artist Repin. Repin, of course, wrote the image of Pushkin, and Aivazovsky his own sea. Aivazovsky was personally acquainted with Pushkin, and Repin became
Artist with Armenian origin Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich was very fond of the sea and devoted a lot of his paintings to this particular element. But there are in his arsenal