On the edge of a pine forest by Shishkin

On the edge of a pine forest by Shishkin

Evening walk through the pine forest led a young woman to the edge. As always in the works of the artist, a person against the background of nature looks fragile and small. High pine trees, flooded with sunset light, majestically rise above the man. The needles on the trees look slightly silvery.

The sky above the forest is almost cloudless, the green grass on the edge of the sun is untouched, the light is lost in a dense pine forest. It seems that the path leads a person, and not a person walks along the path. Master perfectly conveys the lightness and fragrance that hangs in the evening air. The colors of the picture create a special mood in the work: peace, joy, peace.

At first, the female figure in a soft blue dress seems superfluous, invented by the detail. Having considered more carefully, you can be sure that the presence of a person in the landscape is natural and natural. The summer umbrella in the hands of a young woman is complicated, the summer heat was asleep. The forest shines from the inside out. As if the sun itself had fallen into the thicket and was preparing to sleep there. Silence and negation spread over the edge.

A man left the forest and nature healed with his own, free life. On the edge of the fringe, stumps are seen from felled trees, a dry branch that has not lost its brown leaves. All this is the fruit of human activity. The tale stayed there, behind. Ahead of the world of people, constantly changing the world around for their needs. The author is unobtrusive. There are no appeals or protest in his work.

The artist does not impose his point of view on the viewer, offering to enjoy the beauty of Russian nature and to think about his role in changing it, maybe even violence over it. It is interesting that another work by the author, written two years later, has long been known under the same title, having long been in a private collection in the Czech Republic.

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