The lodge in the forest by Ivan Shishkin

The lodge in the forest by Ivan Shishkin

“The Lodge in the Forest” is an amazing masterpiece by I. Shishkin, which strikes with its simplicity and originality. It would seem that the usual plot: trees, road, small house. However, something beckons us to contemplate this picture for a long time, as if hoping to find in it an encrypted message. Well, such a masterpiece can not be just a picture, written in the mood. What immediately catches your eye is the tall birch trees on either side of the road. They stretch upward – closer to the sun.

The picture is dominated by dark green tones and only in the background we see the sun-lit grass and foliage of trees. The beam of the sun also falls on the wooden lodge, thereby highlighting it in the picture. It is the main highlight of the masterpiece – the brightest detail. The picture is striking in its volume. At a sight to it the depth is felt – the spectator as if surrounded by trees from all sides and beckons forward.

The forest represented by Shishkin seems thick. Through it is not so easy to break through the sunlight, but in the very center of the picture – where there is a lodge, we see a gleam. The picture is saturated with the admiration of nature and at the same time expresses the contrast between nature and man. What is this lodge in comparison with the mighty trunks of pines and high birches? Only a small dot among the forest.

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