Pine Forest by Ivan Shishkin

Pine Forest by Ivan Shishkin

In the picture we see a corner of a pine forest flooded with the summer sun. Whitewashed sandy paths indicate that the sea is likely to be nearby. The whole picture is filled with a pine smell, a special coniferous cheerfulness and silence. Nothing breaks the forest rest in the morning.

Apparently, before us is one of the suburban suburbs of St. Petersburg, where so often the artist found stories for his works. And now, walking in the forest on a summer morning, the intersection of sandy paths attracted the attention of the master. Dozens of shades of green, bluish moss, slightly dazzling yellow sand dazzling sand… All this palette of natural colors could not leave Shishkin indifferent.

Looking at the picture you begin to remember the pine spirit, the noise of the cool Baltic Sea can hardly be heard in your ears. Quiet, warm, fragrant. Summer serenity… Like any other work of Shishkin, the painting “Pine Forest” amazes with its authenticity, a pedantic attitude to the smallest details, the reality of the plot and unadulterated beauty.

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