After a rain by Fedor Vasilyev

A place of honor among the masterpieces of painting, stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, is occupied by the beautiful landscape of Fedor Vasilyev “After the Rain.” Talented, received the recognition

Poplars by Fedor Vasilyev

The painting was written by Fedor Vasilyev in Ukraine in the estate of Count SG Stroganov “Hoten” shortly before his death. The composition is solved in a typical manner for

The village by Fedor Vasilyev

A journey through Russia in 1869, when Vasilyev first saw the nature of the middle belt of the country, was forever remembered by the artist. “I enjoyed everyone, sympathized with

Morning by Feodor Vasilyev

The composition of the landscape “Morning” was based on full sketches of a specific motif with barely outlined outlines of the swampy terrain and walking on a rainy morning hunter.

Thaw by Fedor Vasilyev

In the painting titled “Thaw” by the author FA Vassiliev, a winter landscape opens before us. In the center of the picture is the rift, on which stands a man

Near Red Village by Fedor Vasilyev

At the end of the 1860s Fedor Alexandrovich Vasiliev entered the art. Undoubtedly his talent developed extremely fast. This was recognized by all his contemporaries: both artists and critics. In

Wet meadow by Fedor Vasilyev

At first glance, there is nothing special about the picture of FA Vasiliev. But, in fact, it carries a great hidden philosophical meaning. The picture shows a meadow landscape after

Before the storm by Fedor Vasilyev

A wonderful Russian painter – landscape painter FA Vasiliev, after living a short life, left behind a rich heritage. His works are delighted with ease, lyricism. Special transparency. Perhaps the

Dawn by Fedor Vasilyev

In his painting “Dawn” the artist describes a warm summer morning. In the foreground there is a quiet murmuring rivulet, its origin hiding in the wildly growing green of grass.