Before the rain by Fedor Vasilyev

Before the rain by Fedor Vasilyev

Fedor Vasilyev painted his famous painting in 1871, which is now in the Tretyakov Gallery. It depicts a rural landscape that conveys life from peasant life. Two women – peasant women lead the geese through an old village bridge, which connects the banks through a small bubbling river.

On the bank of the river grow low bushes and huge trees, which are widely spread out their branches. People hurry to have time to reach the houses before the elements begin. In the distance one can see the roofs of rural houses, over which is a flock of birds – harbingers of bad weather. They express concern: anxiously flying through the sky.

Ahead of the women comes a boy, about ten years old, dressed in a red shirt, which is combined with the main background of the picture. The dark sky is covered with terrible clouds, trees are bent from the wind. It seems that there is still not much and you will smell the freshness that is in the air before the rain. The artist transmitted the tension, hovering in nature, through the play of colors. The sky in the distance connects on the horizon with the forest. The dark blue tones in the distance turn into blue – green colors.

Everything around is filled with greatness, tension, expectation of detente. The artist was very interesting in depicting the sky, what colors he does not use. Light pink gradually change and reach blackness. In the distance, birches are still illuminated by the sun, which is completely invisible in the sky.

Vasiliev’s paintings are very poetic and harmonious. He was very fond of using the theme of rain, sky and beautiful Russian rivers in his work. With unimaginable accuracy, he used the power of colors, they gradually poured from light tones to dark ones. How exactly he noticed everything from nature, and then he put all this on paper so that people could continue to admire these phenomena. He very clearly conveys the mystery and beauty of nature.

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