Spring by Arkady Plastov

Renowned Russian artist Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich lived all his life in one, native village. On his canvases, he most of all depicted fellow villagers, their life, customs, time, and even

Noon by Arkady Plastov

Very romantic and vital is the picture of the famous Russian artist Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich “Noon”. He loved to write the simple life of the rural people. Watch out for

Blind by Arkady Plastov

Plastov Arkady Aleksandrovich famous Soviet painter. Many of his paintings are devoted to the lives of poor peasants. The painting “Blind People” awakens a storm of emotions and regret for

Youth. Morning by Arkady Plastov

Many artists were attracted by the life scenes of the common people. How they work, relax, celebrate. About ten thousand paintings dedicated to this subject Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich. He was

Three by Arkady Plastov

Analyzing Plastov’s work on the subject of his picture “Troika. Children by the River”, it is impossible not to note the fact that the artist has some special feelings for

Haymaking by Arkady Plastov

Arkady Plastov’s “Haymaking” is one of the most famous works of the artist, which he wrote in 1945. The picture depicts the height of summer, a flowering meadow fascinates the

Sanya Malikov by Arkady Plastov

The famous Russian artist Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov loved to depict rural life and its inhabitants. Although he painted the landscapes surrounding his village, and the lives of fellow villagers, many

Mama by Arkady Plastov

The most dear and dear person in the world is mother. No matter how old you are and wherever you are, your mother always thinks and cares about you. Maternity

Harvest by Arkady Plastov

One of the famous Russian artists is Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich. He had great willpower and thirst to create. Despite the fact that in 1931 all of his works were written

Rustic March by Arkady Plastov

Beautiful Russian artist Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich left an unforgettable treasure and contribution to the painting of the modern people. His paintings are stories about the life of the peasants of