According to his son, the artist wanted to cover the whole cycle of human life with this picture. Although some connoisseurs of painting claimed that Kustodiev talks about the wretched

According to his son, the artist wanted to cover the whole cycle of human life with this picture. Although some connoisseurs of painting claimed that Kustodiev talks about the wretched
The name of this artist is well known to those who appreciate painting. He unusually conveys images that later make you think about eternal human problems and values, as well
A hot sunny day, the water sparkles from the sun, mixes reflections intensely turning blue, perhaps promising a thunderstorm of sky and trees from a steep bank, as if melted
This work is not very organic for the work of Kustodiev, because it clearly sounds a note of social criticism, bringing it closer to the art of the Wanderers. Probably,
According to many historians, the artist Kustodiev was keen on studying the history of his homeland. In his paintings he tried to recreate the life and character of the Russian
Kustodiyev wrote several surprisingly vivid and colorful children’s portraits, the models for which were his children: the son Kirill and the daughter Irina. This work is distinguished by a playful
Kustodiyev does not capture the real life, he writes a dream. Such as on the canvas “Spring”, where you will see a completely unique, even a few candy world. Here
The artistic direction to which Kustodiev belonged in the 1910s can be called “neoclassicism”. It assumed an orientation to the great models of the past – taking into account the
Fair in Russia – it is always a holiday for all villagers. At fairs they bought and sold, communicated, played, had fun. Boris Kustodiyev depicted such a fair in his
The life of Boris Kustodiev was not easy: a serious illness and the subsequent operation on the spinal cord chained him to a wheelchair. For about fifteen years the artist
The painting was painted in Paris, where Kustodiev arrived with his wife and his newly born son, Cyril, after graduating from the Academy. A woman in whom one can easily
One day, walking along the banks of the Volga, Kustodiev saw a woman, beauty, to become and the greatness of which simply shook him, and the artist painted this picture.
Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiyev is a great master who glorifies the Russian life, the Russian way of life, the Russian soul. Most of all, the soul of the Russian people was
In the State Art Museum named after A. N. Radishchev in Saratov there is a remarkable bright multi-colored canvas by Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev “Troitsin Day”. A bright, warm oil painting
Kustodiev writes with love the Russian nature, often including in it the motives of peasant labor. The plot “The Harvest” is simple in its plot, acquired from the catalog of
Kustodiev was fascinated by the sculpture in the 1900s and was actively engaged in it for a decade. These studies were interrupted by a severe illness that had developed –
Kustodiyev from the first days of the revolution was actively involved with his work in the ranks of artists who took October. His canvases “Stepan Razin”, “Bolshevik”, “Holiday of the
In the late works of Boris Kustodiev paintings shine with more and more life-affirming power. The riot of saturated colors, their diversity and bold play of contrasts is embodied in
Ceremonial portrait – not the most favorite genre of the artist. In this work, Kustodiyev is interested not so much in the status of work as in the model itself.
Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiyev – an artist who lived and worked in a rather difficult historical time, when one era replaced another, some changed others. Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev – a great
Pictures of the artist Boris Kustodiev are not difficult to recognize by his unique style of their execution. When working, he used soft but bright colors, applied whiteness, as a