Troitsin day by Boris Kustodiev

Troitsin day by Boris Kustodiev

In the State Art Museum named after A. N. Radishchev in Saratov there is a remarkable bright multi-colored canvas by Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev “Troitsin Day”. A bright, warm oil painting was written in 1920 and is a complex subject-based work, which embodied the existential image of Russia. The artist embodies the breadth and impetuosity of a Russian person.

In the foreground of the painting “Trinity Day” presents a picturesque portrait of a merchant family. A merchant in a satin lush dress of complex color, a ruddy face full of joy and health, a scarf richly decorated with floral floral ornament designs – all this plunges us into the distant atmosphere of the age-old Russian festivities and festivities filled with triumph. Next to the merchant, her daughter is depicted in a gentle light outfit with a bright scarlet ribbon shimmering in the light, in her hands the young lady holds a bouquet of beautiful thin summer flowers and a fragile folded umbrella to match the dress. The image came out translucent, elusive, soft, clean, young. Mother and daughter are accompanied by the head of the family – a strong, strong merchant. Nearby, apparently, a gentleman of a young lady, an exquisitely dressed, handsome young man.

The first and main plans of the picture are filled with festivities depicting residents of the city, a small province somewhere on the outskirts of our beautiful Motherland, in an expressive nature. Everything around is brought into revitalization, movement, noise and entertainment. Around one continuous holiday, fun, countless fun, bright flowers and the smell of sweets and baking. Ladies in light different in tone mainly pastel shades, dresses. Pink, blue, turquoise, pale lilac dresses of ladies accurately combine the reflections of the clear blue of heaven. All this brings to the dense crowd of people walking an element of freedom, lightness and the beauty of the color itself. Obligatory entertainment of any holiday in Russia is a walk with a breeze on three horses. A variant of such amusement is also presented on the Kustodiev’s “Trinity Day” canvas.

The most distant and generalizing plan forms a beautiful bright blue sky, the true azure of which merges into a quiet cloudy silhouette, resembling a celestial cathedral or a “wonderful hail” from the clouds. The saturated green of the trees fills almost the entire sky space with a dense crown, leaving only small patches of this holy azure, as it were, to question. The main image here, of course – barely spelled out, marked by a half-hint great church silhouettes, their transparent, soft contours, as if ready to merge into a single sea of heaven, forever illuminating and illuminating joy on the Russian land.

B. M. Kustodiev created “Trinity Day” in the technique of oil letters. However, many of the images of his work, despite the plot overload and multiplicity, turned out to be open, smooth, soft, as if hidden among the green shadows of beautiful trees, small apple trees and very young green shoots. The picture “Trinity Day” came out really rich in images, colors, symbols and vivid emotions of a sincere celebration, a great holiday. The author depicted a beautiful holiday and just a beautiful day, summer, shrill, flying, like “Rus-three”, towards a new beginning, a new life.

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