Walking on the Volga by Boris Kustodiev

Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiyev as an artist highly appreciated the image of Svyatorussky provincial Russia. Merchants, peasants, merchants and ordinary people often became the main characters and heroes of his works.

Haymaking by Boris Kustodiev

Boris Kustodiyev in the picture “Haymaking” perfectly managed to convey the mood of the summer evening. The girls return home after the mowing, they are tired, they have no time

Girl by Boris Kustodiev

The same Kustodiyev type of woman repeats itself: a sweet, tender maiden-beauty, about whom in Russia they were said to be “written,” “sugar”. The face is full of the same

Village Holiday by Kustodiev

Unlike other kustodievskikh holidays, this does not look riotous and noisy. Most likely, we face a village wedding or engagement. Wide panorama includes several groups. Owners of the holiday gathered