Snow Maiden by Victor Vasnetsov

Snow Maiden is a favorite fairy-tale character of Christmas holidays. Vasnetsov creates his picture clearly under the influence of Ostrovsky’s fairy tale and Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera. Fabulously beautiful night: snow-covered forest,

Renter by Victor Vasnetsov

Victor Vasnetsov is known primarily as an artist whose pictures brought to life the characters of Russian folk tales, parables and epics. Famous “Bogatyri” and “Alenushka”, “Carpet-plane”, “Sadko”, “Knight at

Archangel Michael by Victor Vasnetsov

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov possessed a profound knowledge of complex Orthodox symbols. How many generations of Vasnetsov he studied at a theological seminary. Later acquired knowledge used in monumental painting and

Bookshop by Victor Vasnetsov

Vasnetsov got interested in genre painting in his youth, remember that he went to the Academy of Arts in 1867, rescuing 60 rubles for the pictures “Milkmaid” and “Znitsa” that

Stone Age by Victor Vasnetsov

Vasnetsov managed to portray the life of ancient people very realistically. He shows their daily activities such as: hunting, feasting, ritual actions. The artist painted a bunch of people, all

Bogatyr by Victor Vasnetsov

Before us, the Russian hero on a battle horse. The outfit of the hero, his clothes are deprived of all luxury, beauty. It’s very simple, nothing superfluous. Dark blue caftan,