From apartment to apartment by Victor Vasnetsov

From apartment to apartment by Victor Vasnetsov

In his painting “From an apartment to an apartment” VM Vasnetsov depicts people who are forced to wander through a rented apartment. The sight of this married couple is very unhappy. In their eyes, despair and the question are read: “How are we going to live on?”. People are already old, and it’s quite problematic for them to move long distances, but they have to walk. A woman is dressed in a long green coat in a cage. She has a black hat on her head.

The man is also wearing a dark winter coat and boots. To somehow hide from the wind, he lifted the collar of his coat and wound his neck with an old scarf, most like a piece of formless matter. He has aching legs, so he holds a stick in his hands, and walks, leaning on it. In his hands he has a small bundle of things.

The woman, slightly adhering to the elbow of her husband, goes, hanging on the other hand a slightly larger bag with things, and his black bag. Her fingers tightly squeezes the mug and spoon, which are not fit with the rest of their meager things. Everything indicates that these people live very poorly, since even all their things they can carry out at once in their hands. It seems that this married couple often changes the place of residence, looking for the cheapest options for apartments.

Somewhere around you can see the snow. The couple walks along the bank of a slightly frozen river. Near them are wooden remains from a broken boat or bridge. Over the water, gulls whirling, flocking to the shore in search of some food.

The whole picture of the artist is permeated with a sense of sadness and anxiety for the future of these people.

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