The Ohashi Bridge in Senju by Utagawa Hiroshige

The Ohashi Bridge in Senju by Utagawa Hiroshige

Previously, the Senju district was located on the northern shore of Arakawa, which was the upper reaches of the Sumidagawa River. The quarter was named so, because in this area in the river was found a statue of Senju Kannon. In the Kamakura era, this quarter was on the Osyukaydo tract.

In the Edo period, not only the Oyukaydo tract, but also the Mitokajdo, Sakurakaido, Nikkokaido pass through the Sensei Ohashi bridge, it was an important transportation hub. From the standpoint of Edo’s defense, Tokugawa Ieyasu was against building bridges. But Senju, where there was intense movement, was an exception. The bridge was built in 1594 and was the first bridge on the Sumidagawa River. Then the houses began to appear first on the north side of the bridge, and then on the southern side. The names of the quarters were formed, in the north – Kitasenjiu, in the south – Minamisenjiu.

In the engraving it is not visible, on the opposite bank on the right – Kitasenjiu. On the embankments there were wholesale shops of the forest, rafted from the Titibu-centi mountains along the Arakawa River on rafts. The ridge of these mountains is visible on the horizon. The overall color tone of the engraving remained almost unchanged, but, like in many sheets of the late edition, it becomes more saturated. The color of the rectangular cartouche made of yellow in the early version turns pink.

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