The blue sky by Vasily Kandinsky

The blue sky by Vasily Kandinsky

“Blue Sky” work is interesting in all respects. First of all, this is an ascetic solution of the color scale. There are no bright and blurry forms, there is a huge blue sky.

Strange figures appeared on the canvas, which can be called creatures. They move, rejoice and smile. Here is a figure resembling a kite, it twists gracefully and looks at us in surprise.

In each figure, we notice a smile, and there is no indiscriminate crookedness, each by itself and all together hovering in the blue sky, causing us a good smile in return.

This picture is difficult to call absolutely abstract, despite the fantastic appearance of living beings who frolic at the will of the master, without interfering with each other. There are no conflicts, no clashes, no aggression. Only a general life-affirming movement in space. And the great sky, one at all.

From the inhabitants of the painting “Blue Sky” you can do a cartoon with music, movement and without words. Each will perform his heavenly dance and all will end with a beautiful chord in this heavenly dance.

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