Cripples by Peter Brueghel

The most important Dutch master of the middle of the XVI century is Peter Bruegel the Elder, nicknamed “peasant”. He came from a peasant family, but nothing is known about

Haymaking by Peter Brueghel

The painting “Hay mowing” from the series of landscapes “The Seasons” by artist Peter Brueghel is dedicated to the summer months of June and July. While retaining the all-encompassing nature

Country lazy by Peter Brueghel

“Country lazy” – a fairytale country, is widely distributed in many fairy tales of European countries. In German fairy tales – Schlaraffenland, in literal translation, literally the country of lazy

Seasons by Peter Brueghel

Over the cycle of paintings “Seasons” Brueghel worked hard and hard throughout 1565. This cycle has for many years caused a stormy debate among researchers. Art critics can not agree

Dutch proverbs by Peter Brueghel

Turning to the national tradition, to folklore and folk proverbs, Brueghel philosophically reinterprets them and, like Erasmus of Rotterdam, creates a panorama of modern society on the basis of folklore.