Haymaking by Peter Brueghel

Haymaking by Peter Brueghel

The painting “Hay mowing” from the series of landscapes “The Seasons” by artist Peter Brueghel is dedicated to the summer months of June and July. While retaining the all-encompassing nature of his panoramas, Brueghel at the heart of every artistic decision puts an acute and, in the final analysis, a concrete sense of reality.

It is enough to recall the reversal of the picture “The Twilight Day” dedicated to spring in the space of the scene; balance of calm rhythms of paintings “Hay mowing” and “Harvest”; another spatiality – as if shrinking, shrinking – the autumn landscape and the unification of all the composition lines around the quietly lively town in the picture “Hunters in the Snow” to feel how the very essence of the compositional structure of these paintings is intended to express the state of nature.

The nature of Peter Brueghel and grandiose and completely close to man, is authentic. But it would be wrong to see in the series of paintings “The Seasons” the life of one nature. Created in picturesque paintings by Bruegel, the world is inhabited by people.

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