On the way to Egypt by Peter Brueghel

On the way to Egypt by Peter Brueghel

Picture “On the road to Egypt” or “Landscape with a flight to Egypt.” Life, the breath of human dwellings, the activity of people overcome thoughts about the madness of their thoughts, about the futility of their labors.

For the first time, Bruegel opens up a new value of life, not yet known to him or his contemporaries, although it is still hidden under the strata of his former cosmic and nonhumanistic views. To the same conclusions lead the following paintings of the artist “On the road to Egypt” “Suicide of Saul” and “The Way to Calvary.”

All these works prepared the appearance in 1565 of a cycle of landscapes, opening a new period of creativity of Bruegel and belonging to the best works of world painting. The cycle consists of paintings dedicated to the seasons. It is commonly believed that this is a disjointed series of twelve paintings.

Some researchers of the work of Peter Bruegel suggest that there were four of them, and “Hay mowing” does not apply to the cycle. These works occupy a place in the history of art quite exceptional – there are no images of nature where the all-embracing, almost cosmic aspect of the transformation would be so organically merged with the feeling of life.

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