According to the Gospel of Luke, the first time the risen Jesus appeared to two disciples who were going to Emmaus. But their eyes were withheld, and the disciples did

Veronese Paolo
According to the Gospel of Luke, the first time the risen Jesus appeared to two disciples who were going to Emmaus. But their eyes were withheld, and the disciples did
Painting by Paolo Veronese “Reverence”. The size of the painting is 186 x 194 cm, canvas, oil. Reverence to a woman resting under a purple heavy canopy is expressed by
The Renaissance epoch introduced a lot of new in the treatment of this plot. But the main thing, perhaps, was that most Renaissance artists wanted to create the Crucifixion, where
In the work “Venice, the sovereign with the figures of Justice and Peace”, designed for the Hall of the Board of the Doge’s Palace, Venice is represented in the form
Master of magnificent large-scale paintings, Veronese decorated with his works many secular and religious buildings in Venice. The “feast in the house of Levi” was written for the refectory of
Performed to decorate the ceiling of the church of San Sebastiano in Venice, this work has become one of the best creations of the young Veronese. It is included in
The goddess of love and beauty Venus fell in love with Adonis – the son of the king of Cyprus. No mortal could match his beauty. For the sake of
Painting by Paolo Veronese “The Count of Porto with his son Adriano”. The size of the picture is 207 x 137 cm, canvas, oil. In the portrait area, the achievements
Canvas Veronese “Carrying the Cross” is unusual for the artist, both its more than modest size, and laconic interpretation of the plot. Most likely, it is an etude to the
The picture of Jesus among the scribes is a typical work of Veronese during his creative maturity. This is a large oblong canvas with two groups of characters standing in
This painting, together with the paintings “Prudence”, “Power”, “Hercules at the Crossroads” and “Mercury in the bedroom of Hersa turns into a stone of Agalavra,” belonged to Emperor Rudolf II
Beautiful daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor was named Europe. Once she dressed in bright clothes and went out with her friends to the beach. There, the girls collected flowers,
Allegorical picture of Paolo Veronese “Honor”. Diameter 230 cm, canvas, oil. The combination of a common decorative and monumental painting effect with a rich differentiation of color relationships is also
Allegorical picture of Paolo Veronese “Music”. Diameter 230 cm, canvas, oil. The harmony of the composition of the allegory “Music” is given not only by the judicious reception of the
The main altarpiece of St. Catherine’s church is one of the most successful variations of the altar of Pesaro Titian from the church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari: the
Painting by Paolo Veronese “Mars and Neptune”. The size of the picture is 250 x 180 cm, canvas, oil. Compositional structure of the picture is typical for Veronese – the
This canvas Veronese created for the main altar of the church of San Sebastiano by order of Elizabeth Soranzo. The Madonna and the Child sit on the clouds as if
Painting by Paolo Veronese “Lucretia”. The size of the painting is 109 x 91 cm, canvas, oil. In this later work, devoted to the history of the death of a
Veronese often wrote New Testament meals, especially attracted to his most notable of them – the Last Supper. In the early works of the artist, the Savior’s meals turned into
Painting by Paolo Veronese “The Temptation of Saint Anthony”. The size of the painting is 198 x 151 cm, canvas, oil. Many artists from the Renaissance addressed a well-known biblical
In Babylon there lived a very rich man, Joachim, and he had a beautiful young wife, Susanna. Various distinguished and well-to-do townspeople visited Joachim to talk and hear advice. Once.