Hermes and Athena by Bartholomeus Spranger

Hermes and Athena by Bartholomeus Spranger

The fresco of the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Hermes and Athena”. Hermes is a Greek god, the son of Zeus and Maya, the daughter of Atlanta, born on the arcadian hill of Killen. Hermes, originally the Arcadian god of pastures, thanks to his cunning and agility, comes to a high position in the assembly of the Olympic gods. Mind, agility and resourcefulness are the main features of the character of Hermes.

Thanks to these qualities, he becomes Homer the mouthpiece of the gods, a messenger, fulfilling the will of Zeus and leading everything to a happy end. As Zeus’s messenger, he also controls dreams, sends a dream, by closing his eyes with people’s eyes and exciting them again to life. Therefore, libations were made before bedtime. Hermes – the god of various inventions and discoveries: lyres, letters and numbers, religious rites and so on; the god of gymnastics, the god of wit, the god of industry. Further, Hermes is the god of roads, the guide of the pilgrims; A random happiness of a find that reduces the shadows of the dead to Hades.

Athena, in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom, just war and crafts, the daughter of Zeus and the Titanides of Metida. Athena was, as it were, part of Zeus, the performer of his plans and will. Athena is the thought of Zeus, realized in action. Attributes of the goddess – a snake and an owl, as well as aegis, a shield made of goatskin, decorated with the head of a serpent-headed Medusa, possessing magical powers, terrifying gods and people. According to one version, the statue of Athena, palladium, supposedly fell from heaven; hence her full name is Athena Pallada. Classical Athene protects heroes and protects public order.

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