Arachne by Diego Velasquez

Arachne by Diego Velasquez

Painting of the Spanish painter Diego Velasquez “Arachne”. The size of the picture is 64 x 58 cm, canvas, oil. Arachne, in Greek mythology and according to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, a Lydian girl, the daughter of a dyer, purple, a skilled weaver and needlewoman, who dared to call Athena for a competition in weaving.

The goddess Athena Pallada, adopting the image of an old woman, tried to warn Arachne from this rash act. But the match took place, and Arachna made a beautiful and skilled fabric, depicting the love affairs of the Olympic gods.

Athena found the job impeccable, but was so enraged by the insolence of the mere mortal Arachne, that she tore the cloth, and subjected Arachna herself to torture. From offense and despair Arachna committed suicide, but the goddess Athena returned the girl’s life, turning it into a spider.

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