The garden behind the house by Vincent Van Gogh

The garden behind the house by Vincent Van Gogh

Life in Arles was extraordinarily rich for Van Gogh creatively. For a short time, spent in this quiet town, from under the artist’s brush came out a huge number of canvases. The warm season was particularly fruitful: Van Gogh worked in the open air, in the open air, one after another creating bright and unique works, amazing with their unprecedented emotional saturation.

In this picture, the artist painted a small corner of the garden. Choosing an unusual vertical format for the landscape and greatly overstating the horizon, he concentrated on the unusual diversity of what is on the ground. All the vegetation seems to be assembled into several bright color masses, and mottled spots create a kind of decorative carpet in the lower part of the canvas. In the background Van Gogh placed several houses with bright red roofs and white walls glowing in the sun.

The artist did not pay attention to taking pictures of the details, but he fully revealed and showed all the color shades and nuances with which the summer landscape is so rich. When writing the picture, he partly used the technique of pointillism. Colors are maximally pure and saturated, and their motley combination conveys a feeling of optimism and joy caused by a summer sunny day.

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