Harvest in La Cro, and Montmajor in the background (Harvesting) by Vincent Van Gogh

Harvest in La Cro, and Montmajor in the background (Harvesting) by Vincent Van Gogh

The painting “Harvesting” Van Gogh wrote in 1888. The area where he painted this landscape is located not far from the fields of the Abbey of Montmazur. Describing the work in a letter to his brother, Van Gogh admitted that it is much more difficult to depict the summer than the spring. He was endlessly fascinated by the light of the scorching sun, giving all shades of nature fullness and brightness.

Van Gogh fully managed to convey the feeling of summer. Under the clear, transparent blue sky, endless fields stretch. The blue stripe of the horizon, as if sinking in the azure sky, shades the wide spaces, all shades of which literally glow under the bright rays. The fields that go into the distance give the depth of the composition, their saturated rich colors are brought to the maximum by the artist. The landscape is as if filled with sun and heat, conveying a hot midday atmosphere.

Even more important task, set by Van Gogh, was the image of the peasants. In the painting he showed almost all stages of harvesting. Sam figures are written quite finely, but this does not prevent the author from depicting the process with all care. Van Gogh himself considered this picture one of his best works. Now it is stored in the Amsterdam Museum of Van Gogh.

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