Still Life by Kazimir Malevich

Still Life by Kazimir Malevich

The name of Kazimir Malevich in the view of many is strongly associated with Suprematism and its top – “Black Square”. But before coming to the idea of creating this picture, the artist has been looking for his style for a long time and wrote works that correspond to different directions of painting. Among them were impressionism, and cubism, and fauvism.

The painting “Still Life” refers to the period of Malevich’s creative quest. To work on the canvas by the artist, the French style of painting was chosen – “Cloisonne technique”. Its distinguishing feature is thick black lines, with a bold outline closing monochrome bright color spots.

The compositional center of the picture is a white vase filled with fruit. She is depicted flat, without any shadows. In the same way, plates are shown, as if painted with a child’s hand, and not with a brush of a professional artist.

Unlike dishes, fruit images are voluminous – apples and pears appear to be convex due to the drawing of glare on them. In this case, some are written out more carefully, while others are merely contours filled with bright color.

The picture is quite heterogeneous, its constituent elements are written in a different manner. One gets the impression that the artist has not fully decided on the style in which he will work today.

“Still Life” is not similar to the usual work of Malevich, but at the same time bears a distinctive feature of his work – the use of deep saturated colors, expressing the frantic energy of the artist.

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