Peer Gynt by Nicholas Roerich

In 1912 Nicholas Roerich began work on the scenery and costumes for the production of “Peer Gynt” at the Moscow Art Theater. The dramatic poem of Ibsen the philosopher, combining

And open the gate by Nicholas Roerich

The series “Sancta” was written in 1922 during the artist’s stay in America. Translated, “Sancta” means “Saints,” but Nikolai Konstantinovich himself preferred the word “Ascetics.” The series includes the paintings

Idols by Nicholas Roerich

In Paris, where N. K. Roerich traveled in 1900, he continued to work on the “Slavic” series of paintings. There was a painting “Idols”. Even before his departure abroad, the

Pomoryane by Nicholas Roerich

In the depiction of a landscape with ancient buildings, as well as everyday scenes from the life of the Western Slavs, the artist follows history. But, in essence, the historical

Tent Mountain by Nicholas Roerich

In 1933, Nicholas Roerich wrote an unusual and incredibly beautiful pictorial series “The Holy Mountains”. One of the works of this series is the picture “Shatrovaya mountain”. Like many of