Reading Madonna by Giorgione

Reading Madonna by Giorgione

The painting “The Reading Madonna” by Italian artist Giorgione. The size of the master’s work is 76 x 60 cm, wood, oil. The exact date of the creation of this image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is unknown. The picture is attributed to the early period of Giorgione’s work.

For the historians of painting the Venetian school of the Renaissance and the researchers of the work of the Venetian artist Giorgione, in particular, the attribution of the picture is controversial. In the background of the picture is the square of St. Mark in Venice, such as it was during the life of Giorgione.

The Cathedral of San Marco in the time of Giorgione was not only the guardian of sacred relics and a cult building. Here the ceremony of dedicating the doge took place, here the naval commanders and condottieri received signs of their authority; here in the days of military threats the inhabitants of the city gathered.

The domes and arches of St. Mark’s Cathedral are covered with numerous mosaics. For centuries, the unknown Venetian artists and craftsmen carefully composed huge compositions of an uncountable number of pieces of marble and glass.

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