Rainbow in the stormy sea by Jacob van Ruisdal

Rainbow in the stormy sea by Jacob van Ruisdal

Painting by the Dutch painter Jacob van Ruysdael “Rainbow in a stormy sea”. Painting size 36 x 45 cm, oil on canvas. Until 1653 Reisdal dated each of his work, in the future, the artist stamped the date in his paintings much less frequently.

Actually, almost all the paintings by Jacob van Ruysdal, created by him in the heyday of his talent, historians of Dutch painting of the Baroque era had to date on secondary grounds, given the changes in the artist’s style and a number of related factors.

The time of writing pictures with urban views was clarified with the help of archival data on the construction of buildings and other architectural structures, as well as topographic details. If, for example, the church depicted in the picture of Ruysdael was built, for example, in 1660, then this picture, of course, could not have been written before this deadline.

His first works, such as “Landscape with a house in a grove,” Reisdal created on a tree, only in the early 50s of the 17th century, the artist began to work with the canvas.

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