View of Haarlem with fields by Jacob van Ruisdal

View of Haarlem with fields by Jacob van Ruisdal

Painting by Dutch painter Jacob van Ruysdael “View of Harlem with the fields.” The size of the picture is 55 x 62 cm, oil on canvas. The first researcher and historian of life and work of Jacob van Ruysdael was the Dutch artist Arnold Haubraken, who lived at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries and compiled a detailed anthology of the life and work of Dutch painters of the seventeenth century in three volumes.

The volumes of this study were published in 1718-1721 under the title “An extensive overview of the life and work of Dutch painters and artists.”

This study contains quite interesting, but at the same time, often inaccurate information, which the author was content with from various, sometimes rather dubious, sources. For example, the author of this work tells that Rembrandt Harmenz Van Rijn was the only child in the family, although it is certain that the great artist had many sisters and brothers.

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