Kiss by Fedor Moller

Kiss by Fedor Moller

The work belongs to the first Italian period of the painter. In imitation of his teacher K. P. Bryullov, Moller enthusiastically began to write genre scenes “from the life of the people”. In 1840, he completed the painting “Kiss”. The model of the painter was his beloved, Italian Amalia Lavagnini. The basis of the composition is academic tradition. Already at the end of the 18th century, images of the “bride and groom” or simply “plots about two persons” were written in classes as a compulsory program.

Moller turned to a similar plot, but chose the Italians commoners to be the heroes of his work. He deliberately enlarged the figures, focusing on the transfer of facial expressions and feelings of the characters, on the action itself – an impetuous kiss. Unrestrained feelings, passion and fear – all these are elements of the aesthetics of romanticism. From work “Kiss” began loud fame F. A. Moller.

For this work, he was awarded the title of Academician of Painting by IAH. The original was purchased by Emperor Nicholas I for his wife’s personal chambers in the Winter Palace. Unprecedented spectator success and translation in 1841 of the picture in print contributed to its widespread popularization. Throughout his life, Moller repeatedly repeated the picture. A copy of the THG is a repetition option.

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