Kiss by Roy Lichtenstein

Kiss by Roy Lichtenstein

Is it possible to depict feelings with the help of simple modern methods, similar to the pictures in the comics? The artist successfully proved this possibility. He managed to express with stingy lines and restrained local colors a multitude of human emotions.

A kiss that blends passion, suffering, joy, despair, love and tears – this image impresses with its genuine sincerity and the modest artistic ways in which it is achieved. The picture is a close-up, similar to a fragment of a photograph enlarged and colored to the brightness of the poster, which successfully reflects the style of the master.

Clear graphical outlines of faces, sparse techniques, rich local colors – like nothing special, and the picture strikes the viewer to the very heart. There are no details here, everything is extremely concise, but completely devoid of the deadness and detachment of the poster. The picture is full of life, people, with all the sketchiness of the image seem to be full of energy, moving and no less real than we are.

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