The Kiss Won by Jean Honoré Fragonard

The Kiss Won by Jean Honoré Fragonard

Painting of the French painter Jean Honore Fragonard “The Won a Kiss”. The size of the picture is 47 x 60 cm, canvas, oil. This work of Fragonard is also known under the title “In the absence of a father and mother.” The Hermitage Museum was transferred to the museum in 1925 from the collection of paintings of Prince Yusupov’s palace museum.

In the 1760s, along with works created on the basis of real observations, Fragonard creates and genre pastors, such as the picture “Won a kiss” – improvising, the artist reproduces the scene with such vividness that it seems written from life. In the family-idyllic paintings of the painter “Visiting the Children’s” and “At the hearth,” there is sometimes an education, but the images of young mothers and children are full of sensual charm, and life looks dramatized.

The winning kiss is one of the artist’s most characteristic works The Hermitage painting is a preparatory sketch for a work ordered by Fragonard by a well-known patron of art and patron of the young artist Bali de Bretiem. This sketch is much more direct and expressive than the picture itself. The plot is probably dictated by an aristocratic lover painting: he is cheerful and thoughtless, and pleases the eye, but at the same time he is very truthfully interpreted.

During the game of cards, a young girl, obviously, lost to her equally young partner. The game was on kisses, and now the young man demands his winnings. The girl is not very inclined to pay him: her friend has to hold her hands. However, neither real resistance nor grief is noticeable. Each of the characters in the picture is very natural. The artist seems to admire these qualities. The painting is painted in warm colors, in a wide pictorial manner, favorite by Fragonard both in sketches and in finished works

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