Holy Lucia on her deathbed. 1379-84 by Alticiero da Zevio

Holy Lucia on her deathbed. 1379 84 by Alticiero da Zevio

Raimondo de Lupi, brother Boniface, in 1377 received permission to build on the square in front of the Padua Cathedral of St. Antonia the chapel-tomb. In 1379, he was buried in this chapel. The painting of the cupola of the chapel was completed in 1379-1384. Alticiero and his workshop.

In addition to the portraits of the donator and his family on the frescoes, Jesus and three saints were depicted: George, St. Katerina and St. Lucia. Frescoes, arranged in rows one above the other, repeat the painting of the Del Arena Chapel executed by Giotto.

The picture reproduced here is at the end of the lower row on the right wall of the chapel. Deathbed of St. Lucia, surrounded by a crowd, the artist painted in the porch of the Gothic basilica, reminiscent of the Cathedral of St. Antonia. All eyes are fixed on the veiled veil of Lucia’s beautiful face, which is both the formal and the ideological center of the picture.

Represented in the profile of noble men in the foreground – masterpieces of creativity Alticiero. The sharp look and individual features of the great man’s face in a heavy dark maroon cloak are underlined by the tightly strapped head-dress behind their ears.

In front of him is a slightly turned-away man in a red cloak with a live observant face – this is also a concrete portrait, as well as a man portrayed in profile as well, with a small beard and a stern gaze in the dark cloak on the right at the edge of the picture. Plastic and dramatically expressive figures of women-mourning women in the cottage are written in the tradition of Giotto. A schematic representation of the crowd in the background is the work of comrades Alticiere by the workshop.

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