A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “The Allegory of War with Turkey.” The size of the painting is 165 x 105 cm, canvas, oil. The painting is written

A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “The Allegory of War with Turkey.” The size of the painting is 165 x 105 cm, canvas, oil. The painting is written
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Vulcan and Maya”. The size of the picture is 23 x 18 cm, copper, oil. The painting was written by Spranger on
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Venus and Adonis”. The size of the painting is 163 x 104 cm, canvas, oil. According to ancient Greek myths, the greatest
The painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Circe and Odysseus”. The size of the picture is 198 x 72 cm, copper, oil. The painting is based on the Homeric
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Hercules and Omphalus”. The size of the picture is 24 x 19 cm, copper. The painting is based on ancient Greek mythological
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Angelica and Medor”. The size of the picture is 108 x 80 cm, canvas, oil.
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger, “Diana and Actaeon.” The size of the picture is 72 x 54 cm, canvas, oil. The painting is based on the famous
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Mercury and Venus”. The size of the picture is 110 x 72 cm, copper, oil. The painting is based on Italian mythological
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “The Salmakid and the Hermaphrodite”. The size of the picture is 110 x 81 cm, canvas, oil. The painting is based on
The painting “Christ, the savior of the world” was written by the Flemish painter-mannerist Bartolomeus Spranger in Prague at the court of the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Rudolf
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Mars, Venus and Cupid”. The size of the picture is 95 x 60 cm, canvas, oil. The painting is based on the
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “The Satyr and the Nymph”. The size of the picture is 110 x 87 cm, copper. The painting was written by Spranger
The painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger, “Allegory of Justice”, is another name for this painting “Justice and Prudence.” The size of the picture is 131 x 106 cm,
The painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Odysseus and Kirk”. The size of the picture is 108 x 72 cm, copper. The painting is based on the ancient Greek
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Glaucus and Scylla”. The size of the picture is 110 x 81 cm, copper, oil. Glaucus, in mythology – the Greek deity
Self-portrait of the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger. The size of the picture is 62.5 x 45 cm, canvas, oil. The portrait was written by Spranger at the age of about
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Jupiter and Antioopa”. The size of the picture is 120 x 89 cm, copper. The painting is based on ancient Greek mythological
The painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Adonis goes hunting”, another name for this painting is “Venus and Adonis”. The size of the painting is 135 x 109 cm,
The painting “Venus and Volcano” was written by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger in Prague, finished the year before the death of the painter. The size of the picture is
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Mercury, Venus and Mars”. The size of the picture is 108 x 80 cm, copper, oil. The painting is based on ancient
A painting by the Flemish painter Bartholomeus Spranger “Hercules, Dejanira and the dead centaur Ness.” The size of the picture is 112 x 82 cm, copper. The painting is based