Nurse by Roy Lichtenstein

Nurse by Roy Lichtenstein

This artist had a great influence on the formation of pop art. His paintings are now worth fabulous money, and continue to impress the audience with its expressiveness with the utmost simplicity of visual means.

The canvas, sold for a record for the master amount, is an enlarged image of the woman’s face in the form of a nurse. It is made up close and almost devoid of details; a woman’s specialty can be judged only by a specific headdress. A mean and sharp graphic lines on the canvas depicts a young, spectacular blonde with a short haircut, beautiful big blue eyes and a large sensual mouth.

The picture involves only a few colors – two shades of yellow, white, black and two shades of pink. With such extremely simple colors without semitones and modulations the artist achieves maximum expressiveness of the picture. The worried expression of the nurse’s face makes the viewer scrutinize her appearance.

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