Portrait of Eneaj Lloyd with Sister Lucy by Thomas Gainsborough

Portrait of Eneaj Lloyd with Sister Lucy by Thomas Gainsborough

Genre portraits were a characteristic branch of portrait painting for the English school. The popularity of genre scenes reached a peak in the XVIII century. Usually in such a picture the artist captures family members in a relaxed atmosphere. Such portraits differed from traditional ceremonial portraits with greater vivacity and naturalness, which helped them to find their customers.

As for the painters, then the genre portrait provided the opportunity to include in the composition “dear to the heart” details, whether it is still life, architectural structures or landscape. The latter particularly appealed to Gainsborough.

His best genre portraits belong to the Suffolk period, when such remarkable works as “The Portrait of Mr. Andrews and his Wife”, “Portrait of Eneij Lloyd with Sister Lucy” and the group portrait “Mr. and Mrs. John Gravenor and Their Daughters, Elizabeth and Anna” were created, , 1752-54.

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