Sleeping Girl by Roy Lichtenstein

Sleeping Girl by Roy Lichtenstein

The moment, “torn out” from the life of the character – that he can tell the viewer? A little, only that in front of us is a young woman, a beautiful blonde with regular slim features and bright lips, depicted sleeping.

However, what prevents us from thinking what happened before the girl fell asleep? Perhaps she just came home tired, drank milk and went to bed. Or maybe before bedtime she cried a lot, wondering how she should deal with her life further. This is the great power of art – everyone sees in the image what he would like to find in it. The art of the master is not in technical perfection, but in the ability to convey feelings by simple means.

This picture is a vivid embodiment of this postulate. We see only the face of the girl, not a hint of who she is and why she is depicted sleeping. We can judge her only by the data that the artist has provided us – it is possible to determine only her age, hair color and visual appeal, and a fragment of red – not the clothes, not the cover. But it is precisely this marginal avarice of artistic data that allows us to draw in our mind the missing picture of the life of the character of the canvas.

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