Bathing by Mary Cassatt

Infinitely lyrical in its artless scene. The girl is concentrating on her bare feet, which her mother washes into the basin. The woman’s face shows that she is quietly slandering

In the omnibus by Mary Cassatt

The graphics of Kassam are original and fresh. It remains to be regretted that the artist created too few works in this genre, where her craving for an orderly composition,

Morning WC by Mary Cassatt

When in 1917 after the death of Edgar Degas his paintings were put up for auction, among them was this small canvas Cassatt, which was initially taken for the work

Washing woman by Mary Cassatt

The theme of a nude female body attracted many painters, not to mention the impressionists, sometimes “stuck” in this story beyond measure. Interesting in this aspect is the approach of

Summer by Mary Cassatt

Painting “Summer” brush unique and bold Mary Cassatt makes us remember the grumbling of dry skeptics that her work is too bright. In general, her creative path is a relentless

Tea Party by Mary Cassatt

On the canvases of Mary Cassatt, the images of women were conveyed with sufficient restraint: the artist managed to capture only that part of their life that was determined by

The Lodge by Mary Cassatt

An American by birth, Mary Cassatt was the daughter of wealthy parents, but she exchanged the prosperous United States of America for painting and bohemian life in Paris. Under the

Long gloves by Mary Cassatt

Pastel Cassatt worked always, but most of the pastel work, she created at the end of her life, after the 1900s. During these years, the artist’s eyesight began to deteriorate,

Hairstyle by Mary Cassatt

During his studies in Pennsylvania and Paris, Cassatt did not show any noticeable interest in academic drawing. Her early drawings are characterized by an acute, slightly nervous line and vigorous

Explanation by Mary Cassatt

It would seem that at the end of the nineteenth century it was difficult to introduce something new into a woman’s portrait. Women wrote everything – starting with the most

Letter by Mary Cassatt

The 1890s were the most fruitful period in Cassatt’s work. At this time, she again refers to the schedule. In the spring of 1891, the first personal exhibition of the