Summer by Mary Cassatt

Summer by Mary Cassatt

Painting “Summer” brush unique and bold Mary Cassatt makes us remember the grumbling of dry skeptics that her work is too bright. In general, her creative path is a relentless struggle with the prejudiced attitude of the male society: the ladies were forbidden to attend the Academy of Painting, as well as fashionable cafes where representatives of art gathered to discuss new trends.

In the end, having declared herself independent of any kind of currents and schools, she found her own style, original and unrepeatable. The artist liked to portray women, singing in her works an intellectual beginning, beauty and naturalness, life.

Here and in the work “Summer”, Cassatt immerses the viewer in a pleasant atmosphere of a warm summer day, in which two girls – one older, and the second very young, decided to pass for a ride on the boat. The tranquil ripple of the river, disturbed only by the presence of ducks and drake, who boldly swim to the boat in the hope of delicacies.

The picture is striking with the freshness of flowers and a drawing that refers us to some works of Degas, the friend and inspirer of Cassatt. Despite the fact that the artist did not relate herself to any particular school, the influence of impressionism in the work is indisputable – a sweeping motion of the brush, bright colors, a landscape that conveys the mood of the picture. Choosing a path for himself, not an imitator, but an independent person, Cassatt was an amazing master who absorbs all the beauty of the surrounding life. She doubted her talent to the end, however, she stopped writing only blinded.

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