Carpet-plane by Victor Vasnetsov

Carpet plane by Victor Vasnetsov

Vasnetsov’s paintings were created on themes of Russian epics and fairy tales invented by the people. The plot was chosen, usually relying on their imagination, referring to folklore images.

On the canvas, we see the image of the carpet. I think that the artist compared a carpet to a bird, depicting it as large, with an elongated ridge and wide-angled wings. On the carpet we see Ivan, he rushes on the carpet-plane over the mountains and seas, flies through the vast plains.

The journey on the carpet-plane takes place after Ivan has visited the far end of the world in the kingdom of the thirties, and he carries with him a beautiful firebird. In another legend, Ivan has to find an underground kingdom. In this picture realistic and mystical desires of the person, about his happiness and secrets hidden by the nature are embodied. The flight on the carpet-plane for Vasnetsov meant victory over the struggle with the air element.

The flight of the carpet-plane in the picture takes place majestically, it floats smoothly, flying over the earth through the fog and forest boundless distances, chasing their wings, frightened owls. With extraordinary speed, a carpet-plane flies over the vast expanses of our homeland. The author manages to simply show the wonders of a fairy tale as well as narrative storyteller tells about it.

With his picture Vasnetsov made us believe in the impossible, the flight of the carpet, his speed of movement we can feel thanks to the downward flowing, free-flowing smoothness of the river. To create this image, the background of the picture plays a huge influence. The evening sky gives a contrast to the power of the carpet. According to many critics, the flight of the carpet in Vasnetsov’s painting is nothing more than the belief of a man in the impossible, something new in the future. With special respect the author refers to Russian folk tales.

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