Frog princess by Victor Vasnetsov

Frog princess by Victor Vasnetsov

Vasnetsov is known for his folk motives. With the help of folk art he tried to convey all his beauty in the image.

In the center of the picture we see a girl wearing a green dress. E attire harmoniously suits the event. Vasnetsov tries to catch the moment when the girl dances. About dance can testify raised in different directions up hands.

According to historians and critics, a dancing woman, none other than Vasilisa the Wise, who got to the royal feast. With her dance she fascinated the guslar. Waving her hands, she created lakes and swans floating along this lake. Remembering the tale and presenting it in action, the lake and swans swim in the background, and somewhere far away, beyond the field dotted with wheat, there is a forest.

Very harmonious look birds during the flight and floating on the sky clouds. Many artists turned to fairy-tale motives, and some managed to capture their vision of Vasilisa the Wise, but only Vasnetsov managed to give us the most realistic picture presented in fairy tales. I would not be surprised if a person who does not know this tale will take a picture for reality. Low bow to the artist, for his works. I really want to become the main character in them, not to empathize with them, but on the contrary, that they envied me.

Thanks to the artist, for such a magnificent picture. She forced us to plunge into the world of childhood, where it smells of candy and grandmother’s pies. It is surprisingly pleasant, through the canvas with the image to feel all the beauty and charm of its inner world.

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