Children by Boris Kustodiev

Kustodiev was fascinated by the sculpture in the 1900s and was actively engaged in it for a decade. These studies were interrupted by a severe illness that had developed –

Bolshevik by Boris Kustodiev

Kustodiyev from the first days of the revolution was actively involved with his work in the ranks of artists who took October. His canvases “Stepan Razin”, “Bolshevik”, “Holiday of the

Lilac by Boris Kustodiev

Pictures of the artist Boris Kustodiev are not difficult to recognize by his unique style of their execution. When working, he used soft but bright colors, applied whiteness, as a

Balagany by Boris Kustodiev

Maslenitsa is a celebration of a wide, colorful, riotous and tasty. That is how Kustodiev portrayed him in the picture. Balagan – an indispensable attribute of Russian folk festivals. As

Moscow tavern by Boris Kustodiev

In 1915, Kustodiev visited Moscow. He wandered around the city, made sketches. V. Lugsky, the Moscow Art Theater actor, was his constant companion. On the verbal auction at the Spasskaya

Frosty Day by Boris Kustodiev

The picture of Boris Kustodiev “Frosty Day” depicts a small provincial town. In the courtyard, a wonderful, clear, frosty day, the janitor sweeps the snow, the sleigh rushes. The viewer