Binz on Rugen by Vasily Kandinsky

Binz on Rugen by Vasily Kandinsky

“Binz on Rugen” is a rare early work of the Kandinsky student period, embodying his experiments with technique and a thoughtful study of color, which will manifest itself in full force in a few years. On the picturesque Baltic beaches of the island of Rügen, the artist painted several paintings.

This period can be called the early maturity of the artist, when he is still under the strong influence of neo-impressionistic techniques, but already groping his own way. The works of 1901 are mostly small oil paintings made in the open air. They obviously strongly influence Monet in the sense of working with light, and stylistic parallels with the technique of Signac.

Impasto in these works is so intense that they are almost overwhelmed by color. In this paper, the use of a palette knife ** for the imposition of a paint fills the picture with expressiveness of color, which in its immediacy and simplicity approaches the destruction of the composition, which indicates the artist’s movement towards abstraction. Kandinsky visited Binz in the summer of 1901 and wrote four paintings there in a similar technique, one of which is in the Center Georges Pompidou in Paris, the other in Belgrade.

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