Portrait of Darya Nikolaevna Khvostova is distinguished by calm and tranquility. Before the viewer, the wife, the mother of the family, is a sweet and charming woman. Details of the
Poor Lisa by Orest of Kiprensky
Very interesting portrait of Kiprensky. He wrote on the story of the same name Karamzin. There is also a clear connection with the life of the painter himself. The artist
Portrait of actress ES Semenova by Orest Kiprensky
The Kiprensky Academy was described as “one of the best draftsmen of the full-scale class”. “The title” of an excellent draftsman the artist carried through his entire life – five
Portrait of Count F. V. Rostopchin by Orest of Kiprensky
The hero of this canvas we know more by the caricature image of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace. In fact, the graph was not so one-dimensional – that is the
Portrait of N. S. Semenova by Orest of Kiprensky
Nymphodora Semenovna Semyonova, the sister of the famous actress ES Semenova, began her stage career as a dramatic actress in the role of an engineer, but the main field of
Portrait of Adam Mickiewicz by Orest of Kiprensky
Adam Mickiewicz, the greatest Polish poet, played an important role not only in the development of literature, but also in the development of national identity, like Pushkin in Russia, Shevchenko
The Virgin and Child by Orestes of Kiprensky
At the time of Kiprensky, it was assumed that painters who received a serious academic education should be attracted to religious painting. It seemed to be helped by an equalization
Portrait of A. Tomilov in the form of a military militiaman by Orest Kiprensky
The thunderstorm of 1812 stirred up the patriotic feelings of the Russian people. Kiprensky, like everyone else, experienced a spiritual upsurge in the war years, taking to heart the vicissitudes
Portrait of V. A. Zhukovsky by Orest of Kiprensky
This is the most famous portrait of Vasiliy Andreevich Zhukovsky. The meeting between Kiprensky and Zhukovsky was inevitable. They were united by a distinctly romantic worldview – only Zhukovsky realized
Ivan Krylov among artists by Orestes of Kiprensky
Ivan Andreevich Krylov was born on February 2, 1768. in Moscow, but spent the first years of his childhood in Orenburg, where, on the occasion of the Pugachev revolt, his
Portrait of the boy Chelishchev by Orest of Kiprensky
One of the best works of Kiprensky. The artist painted a portrait of a twelve-year-old boy, who is preparing to enter the Corps of Pages. Chelishchev has a great future
Portrait of Anna Feodorovna Furman by Orest of Kiprensky
Anna Feodorovna Furman is depicted in the portrait, in the marriage of Oom, the daughter of a Saxon who served in Russia. After the death of her mother, she was
Self-portrait with brushes behind the ear by Orest Kiprensky
New tasks required new artistic forms. In contrast to classicism, where the main drawing and contour were, and color and lighting played a secondary role, a complex play of light
Portrait of E. P. Rastopchina by Orest of Kiprensky
Female images created by OA Kiprensky are an invaluable page in the history of Russian art. They were a revelation even after the masterpieces of FS Rokotov, DG Levitsky, VL
Portrait of SS Uvarov by Orest of Kiprensky
Count Sergei Semenovich Uvarov – Minister of Education and President of the Academy of Sciences. The service began in 1801. in the board of foreign affairs, in 1806 he was