Portrait of A. A. Chelishchev by Orest of Kiprensky

Portrait of A. A. Chelishchev by Orest of Kiprensky

Kiprensky develops his own style, when a clear individuality of a particular person is combined with the typical features of the era – “signs of the times”. Therefore, even in the children’s portrait of Chelishchev, who is constantly compared with Petya Rostov, there is a tension in the pre-war period.

The combination of bright colors in the clothes of the boy – gustosinogo, scarlet, white – and black, almost without a shine of the eye, create an image in which the immediacy of the child and the seriousness of the adult are combined. The artist as if foretold the outstanding fate of his hero. At the age of fifteen, A. A. Chelishchev had already participated in the Patriotic War of 1812 and in the ranks of the Russian army he reached Paris.

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