Portrait of V. A. Zhukovsky by Orest of Kiprensky

Portrait of V. A. Zhukovsky by Orest of Kiprensky

This is the most famous portrait of Vasiliy Andreevich Zhukovsky. The meeting between Kiprensky and Zhukovsky was inevitable. They were united by a distinctly romantic worldview – only Zhukovsky realized it in poetry, and Kiprensky in painting. But besides this, two masters, words and brushes, much brought together – up to the secret of their origin. Zhukovsky, like Kiprensky, was the illegitimate son of the wealthy master AI Bunin, adopted by the small-landed nobleman AG Zhukovsky.

The poet and artist met in the Moscow years of Kiprensky, and in 1815, when Zhukovsky returned to Petersburg after long wanderings, met again. Meeting with literature, organized a merry society “Arzamas.” The banner of “Arzamas” was the romantic poetry of Zhukovsky, who was promoted to the role of the first Russian poet in the 1810s. The spirit of the new ideology and tried to express in this portrait of the artist. was marked by work on this picture. These were the years when a serious battle broke out between the literary Old Believers gathered in the Shishkov “Talk of the Lovers of the Russian Word” and the revolutionaries

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