Early Spring by Arkhip Kuindzhi

Early Spring by Arkhip Kuindzhi

The painting belongs to the brush of the famous Russian painter Arkhip Kuindzhi. The canvas belongs to the best landscapes of the artist. The central place in the picture is allocated to the ice-bound river. She froze, on the eve of the spring flood – in anticipation of the first warm rays that could allow her to free all her power and show herself in all its glory. The ice on the river cracked. Through it, the first water begins to show off, spring is approaching. She is eagerly awaited by green grass, bare branches of trees and blue sky. The premonition of spring is what makes this picture so attractive and beautiful.

Every day brings nearer spring, on the trees depicted by the artist on the left side of the picture, the first kidneys already appeared. Winter will not be able to stop the onset of spring. This is indicated by the whole composition of the picture, built by the painter in such a way that it seems as if the river goes to infinity and ends somewhere in the fog that wrapped up the forest, located in the background. The canvas is different in color and luminous saturation. Everyone looking at it, understands that this is not just a picture, but an anthem of impending heat, sunlight, green riots of forests and fields. The painting is written in the spirit of realism, for which the canvas and oil paints were used.

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