Spring air by Nikolay Romadin

Spring air by Nikolay Romadin

N. M. Romadin is a recognizable Russian painter. His “creative range” is very wide – he is both a graphic artist, an illustrator, and a theater painter. Moreover, the magnificent works of Romadin are popular, or rather, his views, which owns the magical property “to delay moments”.

The work “Spring Air” – colorful evidence of this. Already at the main glance at this canvas, the contemplator forms a feeling of airiness, lightness, vigor, and “space expansion.” And this is not looking at the fact that the whole previous order of the picture is occupied by massive trees – the highest and powerful ones.

They are seriously rooted in the ground – they feel their massive roots, which have become part of the land. We realize that these trees, “caressed” by the spring light and warmth, are the owners, old-timers, keepers of this corner of nature.

The trunks of the trees are the blackest spot of the canvas, but thanks to the light that envelops them, they do not seem gloomy. It does not seem completely black and weed covering the ground, wishing we are aware that it is located in the shade of old trees.

The artist in the process of creating a picture lent a position that allowed him to capture the trees in perfect height, to present their beauty, and in the same spirit the size of the clear blue sky, which “floods” in fact the whole reverse background of the picture.

The average rank of the canvas in the same spirit is occupied by crowns, which, merging, go into the distance. This light gray strip is placed in such a way that we realize that there is a slope behind the trees and, maybe, the lower reaches of the river. Due to the fact that the trees in the background evenly “go” down, I saved, on which they are located, it seems sheer and highest.

And the trees, and the grass, and the river that appears in the distance, are surrounded by the light of the transparent spring sky. It is this light, shimmering with blue, white, gray highlights, which makes us feel what the picture was made of – the cold fragrant air, which is a characteristic feature of the Russian spring.

It is spring in central Russia that Romadin glorifies in his own picture, demonstrating all her unobtrusive, but this is not the least magical beauty.

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