Allegory of Love (Venus and Cupid) by Agnolo Bronzino

Allegory of Love (Venus and Cupid) by Agnolo Bronzino

On the canvas there are different faces of love. Arrow and apple in the hands of Venus symbolize respectively love voluptuous and dangerous. Cupid, spilling roses, promises the joy of love deceptive. This is evidenced by the masks in the lower right corner. Other actors personify Insidiousness, Jealousy, Truth and Time as a barrier to loving pleasure.

Anolo Bronzino, the real name of Agnolo di Cosimo di Magnano is a famous master of mannerism in Florence. Known also under the name of Agnolo Tori. A pupil of Raffellino del Garbo and Jacopo Pontormo. Later absorbed in the work of Michelangelo, whose works he could get acquainted during his trip to Rome in 1546-1547. From 1530 to 1533 he carried out orders of the duke of Urbino, Guididoaldo della Rovere, and lived in Pesaro. On his return to Florence, Bronzino quickly achieved success and in 1540 became a court painter of the Medici family.

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