St. Jerome by Jan van Eyck

The date of the painting, says that she was finished by the artist’s friends, a year after his death, although it is established – the main part is done by

Annunciation by Jan van Eyck

The painting “Annunciation” was painted by painter Jan van Eyck in the heyday of his talent. In fact, the scene is understood as both an event and an upcoming action.

The Last Judgment by Jan van Eyck

In addition to the “Ghent Altar”, there are a number of paintings that are attributed to either Jan van Eyck or his brother Hubert. In general, these things are very

Ghent altar by Jan van Eyck

The Ghent polyptych of the brothers van Eyck is the central work of art of the northern Renaissance. This is a grandiose, multi-part structure, measuring 3,435 by 4,435 meters. The

St. Barbara by Jan van Eyck

This work is the subject of long disputes among scientists who have not come to a common opinion whether this work is a finished drawing or an unwritten picture. Silvery