Winter. Rostov the Great by Konstantin Yuon

Winter. Rostov the Great by Konstantin Yuon

The landscape “Winter. Rostov the Great” was written in 1906. The painting is painted in oil and depicts the favorite city of KF Yona Rostov-on-Don. At first glance, the canopy dashes into the eyes of the Rostov Kremlin, named so by the artist himself. Here, not only the usual golden domes, but not very common blue. The tallest of all buildings is the tower in the background. Perhaps it was designed by a foreign architect. There are no buildings and buildings here: both simple single-storey buildings and higher buildings.

There are many people in the picture who all keep their way to one place. It seems that some kind of church holiday, that’s why the residents go to the temple, to the service. Someone has not yet arrived, but someone is already slowly returning home. If you look closely, you can see that the inhabitants are all from different walks of life. Here are the rich painted sledges, harnessed by two horses, but the nag that drags behind it something similar to the old unpretentious sleigh. A lot of people walking. All of the different classes, but all have one goal and they go to the church service. It is these holidays that unite all the inhabitants of the neighborhood.

From such a crowd of people, the snow on the road is already dirty. Along the road are naked plain-looking trees. There will be summer, and they will please the eye, with fresh herbs. And now it’s a winter dull landscape, the colors that add buildings and bright domes. In the gray sky there is a flock of birds that like people also aspire to one place, to the center of events. There is no end and no end to the brisk string of people. Every resident must visit the church on that day. Here are not only adults, but also children who on the way manage to play snowballs.

The picture is a lot of small things, so you can look at it for a long time and discover something new for yourself. The main idea that the artist wanted to convey is the unity of the Russian people.